Monday, October 13, 2008

Josh McMillan's Answers to Lehman Brothers Graduate Scheme Interview Questions (2007)

These answers got me an interview at Lehman. It's high risk, high reward game. Out shine with your creativity or get left behind with mediocrity. I already have a job with Deutsche Bank now so you can worship and copy my answers if you wish.

What was the last activity you completed that took you out of your comfort zone? (150 words max)

I was in China in 2006 for an exchange program and I had to use the toilet in Guang Zhou. It was the first time, I had to use the squat level one. You know the one with the foot marks grips for traction. The smell was horrendous and I was sent in with some brown napkins which was not enough. It was like two pieces. It was definitely out of my comfort zone. At first I was scared I would fall in (which I later did due to an unbalanced bowel effort) but after two weeks, I was completely comfortable with it.

Describe a time when you have contributed to motivating a team? (150 words max)

I was playing WoW online and my team was like down to combined +220 health. Everyone was like we can't do the raid right now. The dude from S. Korea was like I gotta log off my mom was coming and I didn't do my comp sci homework yet. Which was totally demoralizing because he had the dragon amulet which would have protected us against fire attacks with less than +40 damage for under level 30 attacks. Everyone wanted to give up. But I was like no let's do this $hit. Some punk from Dubai was like no dumb@$$, we'll die. I was like I'd rather die today and have to use my revive potion than miss this opportunity. ITS Friday Night COME ON!!!!! I typed. Leroy was like yeah I agree, we have a 33.33333333% of success if I do a shout and do devine intervention. And we did the raid and died. You can see the vid on youtube. I don't know if Lehman blocks youtube but you can watch the awesome vid later at home, just print this page and type "PasQHRbSyCM" in google.

Describe a situation where you took responsibility without being asked. (150 words max)

My team completed this awesome M&A due diligence project during my internship at Goldman and when we finished, the MD was like, what the fuck is this shit. Everyone was scared that he didn't like it, but I thought he was an easy going guy. Probably joking, so I said "That's my shit sir. I take full responsibility for the shit on your hands."

Describe the last time you delivered a task that required sustained effort. (150 words max)

The last time I delivered a task that required sustained effort was last Saturday when I was involved in some heterosexual three-way sex. Although I find it a bit strange you're asking me to describe it, I will because I am extremely interested in your firm and I am sure this is a test of my maturity level. It was about 3 AM and we had left the club very drunk. The girl we had pulled was very horny because she was ovulating which we calculated on our TI-89 program (high analytical skills right here) at the bar after we got her birthday. I convinced her to try three way using my interpersonal skills and persuaded her with chick logic. For example, I said you want to have sex with one of us but you can't decide whom, so why not have sex with both? However, since I had never been involved in a three way and I am a straight man. The sight of another jon intimidated my woody which has never seen it's own kind. With intense concentration and sustained effort I was able to meet and exceed the chick's needs.

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