Monday, October 20, 2008

Bad Advice from HR chick

I hear a lot of shit. Especially at work. Everyone thinks they're right. I've made a lot of easy money that way. I read somewhere 50% of all doctors were in the bottom half of their class, and most of them can't believe that.

I was revisiting efinancialcareers to see what the job market is like for new grads. It sucks. I don't envy your young balls. Here's some crap I found.
Less is more when it comes to banking applications

Figures from research firm Trendence’s European Student Barometer suggest students interested in working for an investment bank think they need to make an average of 21 applications. The equivalent average in the UK is slightly less, but is still high at 16.

Stephanie Ahrens, head of graduate recruitment at Morgan Stanley, thinks this is over-kill: “Students really need to consider their career goals and whether a particular bank can help them achieve this. I would suggest three – a US investment bank, a European investment bank and possibly a boutique as a third option.”

My Take:

That's some bullshit right here. I won't even attempt to argue with the HR chick how wrong applying to only three is. Where do you get your confidence and experience first of all? Life is a numbers game. I dare you to talk to three girls and see if you can get married. Fuckouttahere.

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