Monday, September 14, 2009

Going back to school

My life has been fucked so hard in the last six months. I just realized I still have this site. Well I'm not going say anything about my employer or what I did or anything and keep this site strictly professional and helpful.

So a little about my life right now. I've just started at part-time program at a top business school. I love it. But there's this fat Indian (or some other country where they eat a lot of curry) guy with the worst BO I have ever smelled in my entire life. Like just imagine hot fermented wasabi mixed squirted onto manure of a gay American cow with a hint of tandoori soaked in the gym sweat of your girlfriend's ex-boyfriend's thongs. That's what I first smelled when he sat next to me. And the color blue and flashing brown. I'm not sure if I can actually describe the smell but it was just horrible. It was 58.24 times worse then the stench of a Chinese shit hole in Guang Zhou.

I go to class and it's hard. The thing is no matter how late I come, this fat dude always comes in later and sits right next to me. It always happens. I'm so scared. Fuck. It's like the more they stink the more they want to sit in a crowd. Seriously, if you smell like shit and you know it sit in the corner. Fuck, for the entire class I'm just trying to NOT pass out.
Basically you have to start breathing on one side. But sometimes you'll start feeling sorry for the guy and think, damn he has to smell this shit everyday, maybe I'll take a charity whiff. You turn to him and take a whiff. Then it just smacks you straight up the nose like the wet chicken shit and expired ass hole moisturizer cream with peach. I think I actually said fuck this shit out loud in class and everyone turned and looked at me. Whatever. I'd like to see this fool get a front office job. Dude stop sitting next to me. Stop using expired ass hole cream. Fuck!

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